
Friday, March 13, 2015

What is ISTE? (Part 2: ISTE throughout the year)

In February you learned about What is ISTE? (Part 1) and we focused on the tech conference sponsored every summer by The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Hopefully excitement and interest has increased and you are eager to connect and learn this summer! But ISTE is more than a four day event, more than a conference, and more than Philly cheesesteaks. ISTE is a network of educators, resources, standards, hopes, and classroom ideals that sustain an active, year-round society. Let’s look at some highlights of the ISTE website.
  • Professional Resources—free!! podcasts, articles, videos and more
  • ISTE standards that focus on creativity, communication, collaboration, creative thinking and  problem solving skills for use at all grade levels in all content areas

Stay tuned for What is ISTE? (Part 3: From the Comfort of your Couch) that will be published on this blog coming in April. Also, get excited for ISTE to come to you! Denver will host the conference in the summer of 2016. This is a conference you cannot miss!
