All staff members who work with student PII will be required to complete a 30-60 minute online course that is available in Schoology by December 21, 2018. To meet the board policy requirement, staff members must complete all modules, including discussion pages and quizzes. The goal of this requirement is to help all BVSD employees have a better understanding of their role in protecting student data.
Once the training is complete, it is also important to continue not only maintaining the protection of student data, but also educating our students on the importance of keeping their own personal data safe and secure. There are many resources to support all of us as we integrate this important component of digital citizenship into our instruction including:
BVSD Digital Citizenship website
Student Data Privacy in BVSD website
Data Privacy Practices Pinterest board
With these resources and advice, we hope to empower all BVSD teachers and staff to use digital tools that they believe will make a positive impact in their lives and the lives of their students while also ensuring the privacy of all students. If you have any questions about how to help teach your students about the importance of online safety and security, contact your Ed Tech Specialist today!